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Community-based Occupational Therapy services for children and young adults in Perth's Northern and Western suburbs.


Funding Types


The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a funding scheme for people living with a disability. We are currently able to provide services to self-managed and plan-managed NDIS participants.​


Our services can be accessed by any family or child. Health insurance rebates may also apply to our services. Please contact your private health insurer for more information. 


We can deliver services under Chronic Disease Management Plans. Please contact your GP for a referral. As we do not bulk bill for services there will be a gap payable.

Initial Appointment

Your initial appointment is conducted at your home, and involves a mixture of assessing/playing with your child, and discussing concerns with parents/caregivers. This allows us to gain an overview of difficulties and priorities, and can discuss what strategies may work. 


At the end of your initial appointment, your therapist will discuss findings and recommendations with you. You will also be provided a summary report with the goals and recommendations. Parents will be able to make an informed choice on what areas they would like support with and what therapy is required. 

Follow Up Sessions

Follow up sessions can occur in the home, at school or a community location. These sessions focus on the goals and priorities discussed in the initial assessment. The aim of these sessions is to support the child and their family/caregivers in problem solving through recommendations and strategies, and developing programs to ensure carry over of strategies across all environments. 

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